Reclaiming your Time, Passion, and Energy does have to be Complicated.


Fulfilling your dreams!


You became a clinician to pursue your dreams of living with autonomy…

But you found yourself stuck at an agency where they mostly focus on productivity. You find yourself struggling with the same ole one size fits all therapeutic services. You find that you somehow have been placed in a box and have reached the ceiling on your growth both professionally and financially. It’s time you step out of the box but you’re not sure how. Renting an office space is expensive, plus you have to buy furniture. Managed care makes you jump through hoops to get paid, forces you to make diagnosis(es), and limits your interventions to a small number of practices. You know there is something more for you but you don’t know where to even begin. Of course, you have the skills, knowledge, and expertise; You want to help your community, but you are just stuck.

Your are not alone!

The internet can be a scary place, but there is a spot for you. You’ve watched in wonderment non-clinicians charge their decided worth for services you know in your heart of hearts, you can provide too. Many clinicians just like you, question “how do they do that?” I’m here to help you find that answer.

Most clinicians don’t realize that in starting their private practices, the act of direct services is apart of what drives their burnout. Yes, you have the skills, but large caseloads and long days will continue to build your overwhelm. Stepping back and designing a practice when you have diverse income provides you a way to have an autonomous practice. One that sustains you financially, but also gives you an opportunity to live your life they way you’ve dreamed.

We get creative and think outside the box. I help you go beyond selling hopes, wishes, and feel good fairy dust. We include your authentic therapeutic style while building creative revenue streams. I teach you how to talk about the value of your services in an almost tangible way.

My three point focus is Diversify, Market, and Social Media. Three points that help you to focus on what is important without allowing any one area to suck up all of your time and energy.

If you’re ready to fuse your knowledge and skills with independence and freedom, sign up for a free strategy call with. We’ll talk about what your ideas are and ways that you can make it happen. This is a perfect space for your ideas to be heard and a short plan to be created.

Old ways won’t open new doors

Sometimes you have to go with what feels different and uncomfortable to see results.