Plan, Produce, and Promote with Our Therapist’s Guide to Creating Engaging Online Courses

Access powerful resources…

To reclaim & redistribute the energy, passion, and time, you’ve dedicated to the therapy field!

  • Create Content The Easy Way

    Now create outstanding content for social media, your blog, and other publications the super easy way. Without spending all of your time on one application, you’ll have more time to focus on other avenues of your business.

  • Build Diverse Therapeutic Income

    The FREE group designed to help therapists strategically build their social media presence as well as their side hustles (ancillary hustles), with balance. Creating material that reflects your authentic self.

  • Create a Lucrative Pathway

    Rethink how you approach the mental health industry as a provider with this podcast. Available on Spotify listen any time to hear my take on the state of the industry and more…

Therapists need Lucrative Careers

Burnout Will Have You Reconsidering your Career Choices!

We have all been there! You left grad school full of ambition and passion for the clinical field, but slowly found yourself exhausted, overwhelmed, and ready to quit. You may have even considered not completing the requirements for license. What a betrayal! You thought this career would sustain you both financially and emotionally. Like many of us you feel like you’re on a fast track to no where.


Focus in to your therapeutic business

You always imagined yourself helping others and making a living while doing it. You’ve already worked for other’s, building their business, and now it’s your turn. The field is displacing therapists in droves and I’m here to show you how you can create a lucrative career pathway. Through my resources like mini courses, private podcast feeds, masterclasses, and membership experiences you can reframe how you look at the therapy field and finally be in grasp of a sustainable living.

Stop, Evaluate, and Listen

Approx 18% of health providers have left the field since the start of the pandemic in 2020. With high demand and a shortage of practitioners now is an opportune time to create diverse services!